Place Value GmbH
Südliche Münchner Str. 34
D-82031 Grünwald
Tel +49 89 2000184-0
Fax +49 89 2000184-184

Property development: Precisely implement potential

Successfully managing hotels for us means understanding developments, recognising potential, identifying opportunities and operating them consistently. Those who start out at the right time, with the best concept, in the right location, with a suitable property are rewarded. Mastering this principle is the recipe for success for our property development. In the Economy hotel segment, we are making above-average margins by precisely positioning our properties.

Our commitment is for new properties as well as for existing hotels, for owner run establishments as well as for indirectly owned hotels. We analyse locations, evaluate their potential, develop viable business plans and provide reliable financing. We bring owners, investors and hotel brands together and combine their expertise within the project. And with our hotel management services, we make sure that the implementation in real operational business works.

Are you interested? Speak to us about your plans.